Friday, July 2, 2010

"Orange Alert" in El Salvador

Before she left Canada, Trinity had asked Douglas if she should bring her "Wellies" (Wellington Boots) with her to El Salvador.  He had told her not to, as her feet would get too hot inside the boots.  Too bad we listened! The poor kid has seen an exorbitant amount of rain & storms since landing there.  Tropical storm "Agatha" was first and then the remnants of "Alex".  The country experienced flooding, mudslides, some deaths and an "Orange Alert" was called by the government.

The casa was built very quickly - & me thinks building codes are not the same down there! Unfortunately, every time it rains heavily, it leaks into her room.  So, Douglas is sweeping the water out every day - hopefully, when the rains ease off, it will be repaired. 

The little village they are living in  - Playa El Tunco - experienced quite a bit of damage.  Erica's restaurant was left "lopsided" due to the high winds and the "sitting area" behind  the cafe, Dale Dale, apparently was swept away in the storm into the ocean. Apparently, the other day the water was almost up to their knees in some parts of town. So, there is rebuilding all around them right now that impedes Douglas from actually opening the Salon.  Otherwise, the salon (Onyx Hair Studio) is furnished and ready to go!

Douglas & Trinity sent some pics to me through the iPhone of the water levels. In the first picture of my cutie petutie, you can see how there is very little water (note her Iguana clinging to her purse) - then in the next picture I have doodled an "X" to indicate the exact place that she was standing only a few days before (in the first pic) with the low water level.  Wow! What a difference!

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