Friday, January 25, 2013

New Career - New Beginnings

Many moons ago, while attending Queen's University, I had aspirations to attend Law School. Well, that path was obviously not traveled!

So, law has been something that I have always had an interest in.  In my personal & professional life in the past twenty years since being a "kid" at University, I have had many dealings with Tribunals, Courts etc. in many various aspects of the legal field.  (I should note I am a law abiding citizen {except for a lead foot}and have never had any "run-ins" with the law myself.)

I went back to College (full time intensive) in the Paralegal program in November 2012 with an anticipated graduation date of November 2013!  I am very excited to be in this program & to be in this profession by the end of the year!  It was very expensive (almost 20 grand) because it is an intensive program that crams a 2 year course into one year without breaks. It has been so interesting; lots of reading and assignments, but because it is interesting has been fine.

After graduation I must sit the licensing exam at The Law Society of Upper Canada, swear the oath, pay my dues and then will hopefully be a fully licensed Paralegal!

So, my birthday was low key this year as I was in school - but I managed to get a cake!