Monday, May 31, 2010

Early days in Trinity's Adventure in El Salvador

It's early days still, but I thank goddess for the technology of the iPhone and new media to keep Trinity close to me.  I speak with Trinity the old fashioned way (on the phone) and via email, exchanging videos and pics from morning until evening!  I have to ease into this being apart from her.

She is settled in to her new casa with her Daddy - a little Rancho on the Pacific coast with the ocean on her doorstep.  They have 24/7 security and it is a gated community. She has  her own room and her own ensuite washroom.  The rest of the casa is very open concept (read no walls).  The beauty of nature is all around them, however so are the mosquitos!  Hence, a mesh screen is being installed tomorrow to help them out with the challenges of these pesky critters.  This is their new casa:

Cane toads are also all around them - these things are pesky Toads all over Central America - apparently they breed by the thousands.  When they are threatened (for example when Tequila is growling at them), they spew a poisonous liquid at their target. If it is a dog for example, the dog would probably die.  In fact, Douglas knows someone who had a dog that died as a result of one of these toads. So, Douglas is on guard trying to protect little Tequila from being harmed by one of these toads.

They sent me this picture of a toad over their shoulder one evening when they were sitting at the dining table having dinner.

I don't think they even know whether it is a cane toad or not, but it freaked them out nonetheless. Douglas has the casa decorated quite nicely for Trinity, but then for those who know him, what else would you expect?

Her straightening iron has not been touched - I think she realizes it is a lost cause and is making good use of her hair clips!  So, she is adjusting to the humidity, heat and rain!!! It has rained almost every day since she arrived.  They were fine during the "State of Emergency" that was called due to tropical storm "Agatha" that hit land in Guatemala.  She is enjoying being with her Daddy, being off school of course and hopefully learning some Espanol! They are running around right now trying to get cable, wifi, &  phone connection but everything down there is on "El Salvadoran time" - so "manana" is the prevailing attitude. I don't think Trinity minds though, she is enjoying her little adventure and keeps telling me that she is not coming back until her Daddy comes back with her! 

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Our Baby off on an Adventure!

Trinity left this morning for El Salvador.  She made it on the plane by the "skin of her teeth".  Her bags were all overweight (which we expected - $160.00 later), then the Flight Agent informed me I needed to pay an additional $123.00 for an "unaccompanied minor" charge (which ended up being great because they escorted her from security gate, extra attention on the plane and then handed directly to Douglas - he had to sign for her like the precious package that she is).

Now for the "cherry on top" - when I handed them the permission letter I had written, I was then informed that the rules changed 2 weeks ago with El Salvadoran immigration and it had to be notarized.  The desk agent phoned down to El Salvador and they informed her that if she arrived with the letter not notarized by a lawyer, they would deport her right back to Canada.  So, where do you find a lawyer at 8 in the morning in Toronto?  After much running around, a lawyer was found - he was 20 minutes away; he spent all of 3 minutes signing my letter and sealing it and then took my $160.00 CASH and slipped it in his pants pocket.  So, $430.00 later, Trinity was finally on her way. 

Douglas was of course over the moon to receive her in El Salvador.  She is tentatively booked to come back in September, but she may stay longer, we shall see!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mothers Day 2010

                       Me & my wonderful Mummy! My Mum does have eyes - that sun was strong!

   Me with Avalon & Trinity and my handmade flowers!

(Not the greatest pics, but oh well, what are you going to do?) We had a busy Mother's Day, as we also celebrated two family birthdays, my sis and her daughter!