The girls & I took a drive out to a nearby quaint & small Ontario town. It’s about a twenty minute drive from our house.
The girls were too young to remember the last visit we made to this part of the town, so I thought they would enjoy the brightly painted “cottages” by the lake. Tucked away on the lakeshore of this town is a little known community with a colourful & interesting past. In the 1840’s a religious (Methodist) camp was built. A small community eventually built up and thrived around this camp. A pier was built to ferry the passengers from Toronto across Lake Ontario to spend the summers at the Amusement Park, (a rollercoaster was built) and hotel that was built on the lake. Eventually a couple of devastating fires in the early 1900's and the demise of the "small town" Amusement Parks shut down the community. A new church site was built in the town. However, the original "Arts & Crafts" architectural cottages still remain standing and are protected with an historical designation. They are owned and lived in year round. I love the colourful little cottages...
Hello - I was googline "quaint ontario victorian small towns" and this entry came up. I'm in love! I would LOVE to know where this amazing town with it's lovely homes is. Can you post the name, or if not, email it to me? beth(AT)rockpaperpixels(DOT)com.