We were at the old house last night. I begrudingly try to go over there some evenings. Of course the girls don't even come inside anymore to help me, it is pretty much a shell with a few boxes here and there, but looking very bright inside now! It was painted with a fresh coat of white paint everywhere, as opposed to the yellows and the wallpaper etc. that we used to have.
When I arrived at the house, the girls immediately ran over to the house across the street to check on the kittens, only to discover that they were gone! The poor little Mother Cat was sitting in her little "box home" that the girls made for her. The girls told me that the Mother Cat was very sad for her kittens. I'm not quite sure how they guaged this.
I just got off the phone with the SPCA (Animal Control). They did indeed come by and pick up the cute little 2 week old kittens from the porch, but left the MOTHER!!! I cannot understand how an organization against animal cruelty would do this. I feel so bad for that poor Cat, to have her babies ripped from her as she is nursing them! So, I have made arrangements, whether they like it or not, to bring the cat there this evening to hopefully reunite her with her babies. The girls are pretty sure that they will be able to point out the kittens as they spent a lot of time looking after them the past little while.