This weekend was the Annual "Doors Open" in Toronto - where 175 buildings that are not normally open to the public, open their doors for the general public to view. Some of the buildings open were; The National Ballet of Canada, Theaters, Churchs and Synagogues. So, off we went to Toronto to peek our noses in on some of these buildings. I love the Indian culture (although not crazy about the food) so one of the places I really wanted to vist was the Swaminarayan Mandir -(Hindu Temple) in North Toronto, built in 2007. It is the only one built in North America. Unfortunately, photography is not allowed inside the Mandir, nor are short sleeves, clothing above the knees etc. The photographs do not do it justice - it is absolutely breathtaking! The inside of the Mandir is equally impressive - with opulent Hindu deities in royal attire inside their breathtaking thrones. The details etched into the pillars and walls are everywhere to be seen. As we walked up the ethereal marble staircases, we were greeted by a Swami with hands together and bowing to everyone that reached the top of the staircase. (The calming atmosphere reminded me of the Mormon Temple in Brampton I had visited years ago before it was consecrated.)
The Mandir was built according to the principles of anciet Indian Shilpshastras; no structural steel was used in the construction. It was made with thousands of tonnes of hand carved marble, limestone and sandstone. The pictures above are of the Mandir and the one below is of the Haveli (meeting area)- which I believe is made of Teak - it is attached to the Shrine.